The Adventure of a Lifetime

06 Sep 2019

A Long Adventure

The experience I spent in this class felt like an adventure. At the start I encountered obstacles. I had to learn many concepts to conquer it. As my knowledge started to grow, the old obstacles started to vanish and the new ones started to appear.

Toward the end of my adventure, I was faced with barely any obstacles and gained new tools. I wanna talk about some of these that I gained. I wanna discuss what they and how I will apply them in my future.

Development Environments

For this class all our work was done in a development environment, which is a collection of procedures and tools for developing, testing and debugging an application or program. We specifically used, IntelliJ, which is a development environment for Java created by JetBrains.

In the future I see myself using a development environment for a job. This would mean I will have to learn all its tools, functions, and syntax again. On the other hand, I am very lucky because the experience with IntelliJ can be used for learning any development environment.

Agile Project Management

In this course, we also learned about Agile Project Management. We used this learn and effectively collaborate with a team to make our final web application project. This process involved setting milestones, creating branches and merging them into a master repository, commits, etc.

Out of all concepts we practiced in class, this was by far the hardest and most valuable. Since I have a little interest application development, I see myself working at a company and collaborating with a team on a project. I would most likely be using Github again and doing the work on a repository we share. I also see myself meeting deadlines just like how we set up our milestones for the final project.


This has been such an amazing experience. I learned so much material and gained many tools that would last a lifetime in my career. I created things I would never dream of creating. I was so interested in that I wanted to learn more.

Sadly, every adventure must come to an end just like the one this class has taken me on. On the bright side, the advent of this Software Engineering adventure doesn’t signal the end. It signals the beam of a new one.