Innovating the Future

06 Sep 2019

Technology is Evolving

About 15 years ago, I remember as a kid getting my very first phone. It was a gray Nokia flip phone equipped with an antenna on the top. The only function it could do well was call a friend. Nothing else.

It is now 2019 and the phone I have now is an Apple iPhone X. Unlike my first phone it has so so many features. These include a touch screen, text messaging function, a voice recorder, a camera, and many more. Its call function has also improved significantly. The point is that technology is changing. As we grew up it has also grown more innovative.

Software Engineering For the Future

Software engineering opens a big door for me. Instead of watching the innovation of technology, I become the innovator. I get to control the way technology and discover new things. I am also able to grow as a person and carve an exciting future. This is literally what makes software engineering very exciting to me.

With software engineering, I expect a lot of great things. I hope to bring innovation into many lives. I wish to solve the problems of the majority. I look forward to the people I meet and the experiences I will have. Most of all, I look forward to innovating the future and making it exciting.